Sandra and Woo is a webcomic by Powree and Oliver Knorzer that is about “friendship, love, food and other important stuff.” It focuses around 11-year-old Sandra and her pet racoon. Woo isn’t just a pet racoon (though that’s odd by itself), he can also talk but Sandra is the only person who he feels safe enough to speak to. Sandra’s two best friends are Larisa the pyromaniac and Cloud the sword-fighter(his parents are Final Fantasy fans). Two of Woo’s friends are the fox Shadow and the Squirrel Sid. Beyond the drama that comes with any comic whose characters are still in school there’s also relationship drama: 2 girls + 1 guy = love triangle. What’s nice about that is that instead of going for each other’s throats, Larisa and Sandra talk it out and come to an understanding – all this without “the emo.”This comic is very lighthearted, cute, and humorous which makes for a nice uplifting read but it does touch on serious issues – actual world issues and problems in the character’s lives.

Sandra and Woo is also available in German if you prefer that.